Animation on scroll using intersection observer

When I was designing my portfolio page, I want to bring little life to the page by adding some animation when some elements are visible in the timeline, there are several libraries that could be used to achieve it like AOC, ScrollReveal, etc. But I want something that is native so I can customize it to my choice. Then I came across the Javascript inbuilt functionality “Intersection Observer API” which could easily achieve my requirement and it is quite a useful API to use in some of my future requirements. Let’s dive into this API.

Markdown quick guide

This Astro website uses Markdown to format its content. This article covers basic and extended Markdown syntax, along with custom sections relevant to this site.

TypeScript - A Deep Dive with a Quick Reference Guide

TypeScript is Superset of JavaScript (i.e. adding new features on top of JavaScript) with syntax for types. It helps in catching errors during build time and therefore reducing the bugs in the applications. This article is a quick reference guide on type script main features with examples.